

I write features, interviews and reviews on a whole range of subjects. Although my main specialties are music, the arts, design, the outdoors and Yorkshire, I’m happy to tackle any other topic and turn it into a captivating piece.

I’ve been a regular contributor to The Wire for nearly two decades, writing features, reviews and interviews: you’ll find a (not quite comprehensive) list of my pieces here.

Below is a selection of pieces for other magazines and websites: click on the links to either visit the featured publication or view a cutting of the article.

Music & Art

‘Is the synth the ultimate feminist instrument?’ (BBC Radio 3/Late Junction)

‘No More Old Rules’ (Sounds Like Now, reproduced on the Another Timbre website)

‘Synth-Aesthesia: CeReNeM’s Future Sounds’ (Red Bull Music Academy)

Matmos & So Percussion interview (INTO)

PJ Harvey & John Parish cover feature (Plan B)

Philip Jeck interview (Plan B)

Hauschka: Five questions for Volker Bertelmann (Metro)

Five questions for Adem (Metro)

Death: the Detroit band that never sold out (

Hanne Hukkelberg up above the Arctic Circle (Plan B)

The Miners’ Hymns review (Frieze)

Compass Series feature (INTO)

Janek Schaefer Sound Art retrospective review (Frieze)

Artist and Camera: Peter Mitchell interview (Metro)

Design & Creativity

The Designer’s Cookbook [14-page cover feature] (Computer Arts) extracts 1 2 3

Transform Your Fortunes [12-page cover feature] (Computer Arts) extract

The Design Manual: 10 high-impact ways to create eye-catching packaging (Computer Arts)

I wrote much of the copy for the regular Design Manual section of Computer Arts for issues 205-212; prior to that I wrote the bulk of the new projects showcase section Output for issues 192-204.

School Days: Sheffield (Muso)

Summer Schools (Muso)

Music Matbakh (Link)

Outdoors, Events & Destinations

Five unmissable gems in Leeds’ museums & galleries (Time Out)

Five cheese-free New Year’s Eves in Leeds (Time Out)

Events previews for The Guide (Guardian) including summer holidays, brass band battles, swimming-pool doodling and the world toe-wrestling championships.

Walking with pack ponies (Countryfile)

From moors to shores: The Cleveland Way in depth (Walk)

The Frame Game (TransPennine Express Explorer)

Leeds destination guide (Livewire)

York Minster mason interview (Livewire)

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